
  1. Services
  2. Tax
  3. State and Local Tax

Often business owners think that filing taxes is automatic when you have payroll and property in a state, but that is not necessarily the case. GJM's experienced professionals can show you how to reduce your cash outflow to various states and avoid the hassle of filing when you don’t have to. Many mid-sized companies now conduct business in other states. We will review each state’s tax rules and look for ways to reduce both your overall tax liability and filing requirements.

Our Approach

The benefits of GJM’s state and local tax analysis are:

  • Increased cash flow with lower state income tax liabilities
  • Reduced costs and hassles with fewer state and local filings
  • Peace of mind knowing your tax filings balance your tolerance for risk with compliance
Our Approach Tax

Questions? Ask an Expert

Deanna Hall


Ryan Whitman


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